Daily Archives: January 30, 2006

BSE parts have arrived!

There has been a lot of talk surrounding the whole Hyundai and BSE thing around the web in the past couple months. First a brief History of what basically happened.

Hyundai contracted BSE, Bill Sumlo Engineering, to design and manufacture performance parts for Hyundai vehicles back around 2003. Hyundai was planning to release them as an official performance line in the likes of Mopar, Nismo, TRD, and Mazdaspeed to name a few. These H.A.R.D parts were to be sold at Hyundai dealers across the country and also be covered under Hyundai’s warranty, If installed by the dealer. The H.A.R.D. parts program was suppose to launch in 2004, but for reasons unknown by me it never did. I have heard that there was a dispute about who was liable for the warranty claims, but I have no information to prove or disprove this. At that time the program was put on the back burner and nothing happened. In early 2005 Hyundai sent out a news letter saying that H.A.R.D. parts were on there way and would be in shortly. After waiting 2 months and not hearing anything Hyundai sent another News letter saying the program was cancelled, no explanation or warning. The news went around the tuner community like wildfire and there were forums posts about it everywhere. Coinciding with the H.A.R.D. parts cancellation notice Hyundai crushed they orange Tiburon BSE built, a blow to tuners everywhere.

We at Gary Rome Hyundai decided look past this and we contacted BSE. After a couple weeks of phone and e-mail tag we stuck a deal to become an Official BSE retailer. With most of us coming from the tuning/racing world we decided that we couldn’t pass this opportunity up, and so was born www.HyundaiPerformanceAutoParts.com.

In recent months there has been even more talk about BSE not being able to supply demand, while there have been some glitches in the supply chain we have been able to serve all our customers. As with all new things it takes time to get a good system in place. As we speak we are working out all the kinks! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Stay tuned to this blog, www.HyundaiAccessoryStore.com and www.HyundaiPerformanceAutoParts.com for more information and information about different parts.
