Dear Friends,
Last night was the 2008 Light the Night Walk for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s Disease and myeloma. Thanks to all of you who contributed, it was their most successful walk ever! The Gary Rome Hyundai Team, with Gary matching every donation dollar for dollar, raised over $5000 to help find a cure for these dreaded diseases.
As part of the ceremony, we brought a Hyundai “Hope on Wheels” Santa Fe for children who have survived their battle against disease to hand paint their impressions on. Ten kids from ages 5 to 18 participated in the event and I’ve attached a picture of one of them.
I’ll be back next year with a goal of $10,000 and hope you can renew your commitment to this most worthy cause. If you didn’t get a chance to contribute this year, please click here.
Thank you again,
Cliff Dexheimer and the Gary Rome Hyundai Team